Cash Flow Evaluations for Mineral Projects and Operations
Analysis of Mining Financials
Advanced Crushing and Grinding Techniques
Advanced Flotation Techniques
Empirical Design Methods For Underground Mines
Engineering-Based Cost Estimating for Underground Mines
Environmental Management of Cyanide in Mining
Estimating Mining Costs for Prefeasibility Analyses
Geochemical Applications of Portable XRF
Groundwater Modelling for Mining
Introduction to Hydrometallurgy
Maintenance and Performance Optimization
Metal Mining Discharges – Impacts and Controls
Mine Project Economics
Mineral Property Valuation
Mineral Resource Estimation
Mining 101
Open Pit Slope Design
Open Pit Slope Design and Implementation
Overview and Advancements in Mineral Processing and
Practical Geostatistics
Precious Metals Ore Processing
Process Control of Mineral Processing Systems
Quality Control of Assays
Real Geostatistics